The Art of Email Copywriting: A Simple Yet Effective Crash Course


Imagine this scenario: You're comfortably seated at your workspace, a steaming cup of coffee within arm's reach, and your gaze fixed on the daunting task ahead - your email inbox. Your mission, if you are brave enough to accept it, is to craft an email that will not only be opened but will also drive traffic and sales. Sounds simple, right? Well, according to Kyle Milligan, the author of the YouTube video "Email Copywriting Crash Course | How To Write Emails That Actually WORK," it's not as straightforward as it seems.

But fear not, we're here to dissect it for you with a healthy dose of humor, a sprinkle of sarcasm, and a generous serving of reflection. So, buckle up and get ready for a rollercoaster ride through the world of email copywriting.

The Philosophy of Email Copywriting

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's take a moment to get philosophical. According to Milligan, email copywriting isn't about explaining things or making sales arguments. That's a common misconception. Instead, it's about moving your reader from point A (their email inbox) to point B (the sales message).

Think of yourself as a tour guide in the vast landscape of sales, leading your reader on a journey of discovery. And just like a tour guide, your job isn't to bombard your reader with facts and figures, but to make the journey interesting and engaging, sparking their curiosity and interest at every turn

Common Mistakes in Email Copywriting

Now that we've got the philosophy down, let's talk about the common pitfalls in email copywriting. The most notorious one? Trying to explain too much or make a sales argument. It's akin to going on a first date and immediately asking your date to marry you. It's overwhelming, too much, too soon.

Instead, your focus should be on building intrigue and curiosity. Make your reader want to know more. It's the difference between saying, "Buy this amazing product!" and "You won't believe what this product can do." The latter piques interest and leaves room for curiosity, which is exactly what you want.

The Art of Simplicit

Milligan is a strong advocate for simplicity in email copywriting. He suggests avoiding unnecessary hurdles and obstacles in your email. It's like trying to run a marathon with a backpack full of rocks.

Why make things harder for yourself? Instead, focus on creating a clear and concise message that will drive your reader's curiosity. It's about delivering your message in a way that's easy to understand and digest, yet still intriguing enough to make your reader want to know more. 

Creating Intrigue

One of the key elements of successful email copywriting is creating intrigue. Think of yourself as a magician, teasing your audience with a trick but not revealing the secret until the very end.

Milligan suggests focusing on one concept and teasing it out over several lines. The goal is to create curiosity and intrigue in the reader, leading them to click through to the next step. It's about building anticipation, making your reader wonder what's coming next, and then delivering on that promise.

Disrupting the Norm

Another crucial aspect of email copywriting is disruption. It's about disrupting the reader's normal routine with something that genuinely concerns them. It's like a plot twist in a movie, it grabs the reader's attention and makes them leanin and engage with the content. It's not about creating shock value, but rather presenting something that's relevant and important to the reader. It's about understanding your reader's needs and interests, and then presenting them with something that will disrupt their routine and make them take notice.

Final Thoughts

Writing effective emails is an art. It requires a delicate balance of wit, irony, and introspection. It's about understanding your reader and crafting a message that will resonate with them. It's about creating intrigue and curiosity, leading your reader on a journey from their email inbox to your sales message.

And most importantly, it's about having fun with the process. After all, if you're not enjoying the process, chances are, your reader won't enjoy the result. So, let your personality shine through your emails, and don't be afraid to inject a bit of humor and sarcasm into your writing.


So, the next time you're staring at your email inbox, remember this: Email copywriting is not about selling a product or service, it's about selling a journey. It's about leading your reader on a path of discovery, creating intrigue and curiosity along the way. And remember, like any good journey, it's not just about the destination, it's about the journey itself. So, go forth and craft emails that not only work but also make the journey memorable.

And remember, as the great Mark Twain once said:

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

So, get started on your email copywriting journey today!

Now, Over to You

Have you ever received an email that was so intriguing that you couldn't help but click through? Or perhaps you've crafted an email that had an amazing click-through rate? We'd love to hear about your experiences and tips. After all, we're all on this email copywriting journey together. So, share your stories, your successes, and even your failures. Because in the end, it's not just about the emails we write, but the connections we make and the journeys we embark on. So, let's embark on this journey together, one email at a time.

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