Ben Settle: How to Find the Perfect Length for Every Email in Your Campaign

As a content writer, one question that you may hear frequently is how long should an email be. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, but it depends on your target audience and what works for them. When writing emails, it's essential to keep your audience engaged and interested in the content. In this article, we'll explore some tips to help capture your audience's attention and keep them engaged.

Know Your Target Audience

The ideal length for an email depends on your target audience. For instance, if your audience comprises people with a low attention span, it's best to keep your emails short and succinct, maybe within the two to three hundred words range. On the other hand, if your audience is more engrossed in long-form content, they may prefer longer emails.

Therefore, before crafting your email, take some time to think about your target audience and what they'll benefit from reading your email. Once you have a clear understanding of their preferences, you'll tailor the email's length and content to suit them adequately.

Formatting Matters

The appearance of your email plays a vital role in captivating your audience. Breaking up a big block of text or an email body that consists of only one-line sentences makes it easier to read and engage with the content. Separating your email into smaller paragraphs and adding some whitespace will make it less intimidating to the reader and more appealing to the eyes.

Moreover, using bullet points, highlighting or bolding text, and inserting relevant images can help break up the text and make it more visually appealing. Doing so conveys your message more efficiently to the audience. However, don't overdo it with decorations; balance is key.

Give Your Emails a Personal Touch

People prefer reading emails that feel like personal correspondence rather than generalized messages. So, it's essential to give your emails a personal touch. How can you do that? One way is to use a conversational tone that feels natural and engage your audience in a friendly way.

You can also include personal anecdotes or stories in your emails to make them feel more relatable and authentic. When you share personal experiences, it creates a connection between you and your audience and helps build trust and loyalty.


Writing emails that captivate and engage your audience can be a challenging task. It requires understanding your audience, formatting the email correctly, and giving it a personal touch. By following these tips, you'll be able to write emails that will resonate well with your target audience and increase your open and click-through rates.

Remember, the perfect length for an email will depend on your audience's preferences, so take the time to know them and adjust your writing style accordingly. What tips do you use to write compelling emails? Share with us in the comments below!

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