Email List Building: How to Catch Your Moby Dick

In the vast ocean of the internet, where digital flotsam and jetsam float aimlessly, there exists a beacon of hope for businesses and marketers alike - the email list. Yes, you heard it right. Amidst the cacophony of social media notifications and the relentless waves of promotional offers, the humble email list stands tall, a lighthouse guiding businesses to the shores of success.

But how does one build this beacon? How does one navigate the treacherous waters of the digital ocean to create an email list that not only reaches the inbox but also captures the heart? Fear not, for this comprehensive guide will illuminate your path. So, buckle up, grab your compass, and let's set sail on this exciting journey of email list building.

Step 1: Choosing Your Email Sender - The Trusty Steed

The first step in your journey is to choose your trusty steed, your email sender. This is the platform that will carry your messages across the digital ocean, ensuring they reach the shores of your subscribers' inboxes. There are many steeds to choose from, each with its strengths and quirks.

MailChimp, for instance, is the friendly Labrador Retriever of email senders. It's reliable, easy to use, and has a free option for those just starting their journey. Active Campaign, on the other hand, is the sophisticated Siamese cat. It offers advanced features like segmentation and conditional sending, perfect for those who want to tailor their messages to different segments of their audience.

Choosing the right email sender is crucial. It's like choosing a pet. You want one that's reliable, doesn't make a mess, and most importantly, doesn't bite. So, do your research, consider your needs, and choose wisely. Remember, this is a long-term relationship. You don't want to end up with a pet python that seemed cool at first but now you're stuck feeding it live mice.

As a copywriter, understanding the capabilities of different email senders can help you tailor your content to your platform. For instance, if your platform allows for segmentation, you can write personalized copy for different segments of your audience, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Step 2: Creating a Valuable Freebie - The Irresistible Lure

With your trusty steed chosen, it's time to craft your lure, your lead magnet. This is the shiny object that will attract your potential subscribers, the irresistible offer that they can't refuse.

The lead magnet could be anything - a free guide, a master class, a coupon code, or even a giveaway. The key is to make it valuable, something that your audience would gladly exchange their email address for. It's like fishing. You're not just casting your line into the water and hoping for the best. You're using a lure, something shiny and attractive, to catch your fish.

As a copywriter, your role in creating the lead magnet is crucial. You're not just writing the content of the lead magnet, you're also crafting the message that promotes it. You're writing the headline that catches the eye, the copy that piques interest, and the call to action that compels the click.

Step 3: Writing a Day Zero Autoresponder and a Welcome Sequence - The First Date

Now that you've got your subscribers hooked, it's time to reel them in. This is where your Day Zero autoresponder and welcome sequence come into play. Think of it as the first date. You want to make a good impression, show them you're interested, and leave them wanting more.

The Day Zero autoresponder is the first email your subscribers receive. It's the email that delivers the lead magnet, thanks the subscriber for joining, and sets the tone for your relationship. The welcome sequence, on the other hand, is a series of emails that further engage the subscriber, building trust and rapport.

As a copywriter, these emails are your playground. This is where you get to show off your skills, crafting engaging, persuasive, and memorable emails that not only deliver value but also build a relationship. Remember, email marketing is not just about selling. It's about building a community, and your words are the bricks and mortar of that community.

Step 4: Building Your List - The Digital Construction Project

With your email sender chosen, your lead magnet created, and your autoresponder and welcome sequence written, it's time to start building your list. This is the digital construction project, the process of attracting and adding subscribers to your list.

Building your list is a multi-faceted process. It involves promoting your lead magnet on various channels, engaging with your audience, and continuously delivering value. It's like building a house. You're not just stacking bricks on top of each other. You're laying the foundation, erecting the walls, and adding the roof, all while ensuring the house is sturdy and comfortable.

As a copywriter, you're the architect of this construction project. You're designing the blueprint, choosing the materials, and overseeing the construction. Your words are the tools you use to build your list, whether it's the compelling social media post that promotes your lead magnet or the engaging blog post that drives traffic to your landing page.

Step 5: Showing Up Consistently - The Long Game

Finally, the most important step of all: showing up consistently. This is the long game, the ongoing process of engaging with your subscribers, delivering value, and building a relationship. It's not a one-time event, but a continuous journey.

Showing up consistently means sending regular emails, whether it's once a week, twice a week, or even every day. It means delivering valuable content, engaging with your subscribers, and listening to their feedback. It's like tending to a garden. You can't just plant the seeds and walk away. You have to water the plants, remove the weeds, and nurture the garden to ensure it grows and thrives.

As a copywriter, showing up consistently is your bread and butter. It's your opportunity to flex your creative muscles, experiment with different styles and techniques, and continuously improve your craft. It's also your chance to build a relationship with your audience, to understand their needs and desires, and to write copy that resonates with them.

The Power of Copywriting in Email List Building

In the world of email list building, copywriting is the secret weapon. It's the magic wand that turns words into action, the spark that ignites engagement, and the glue that binds a community. Whether it's crafting the perfect headline for your lead magnet, writing an engaging welcome email, or penning a compelling call to action, copywriting is at the heart of successful email list building.

As a copywriter, your role in email list building is not just to write copy. The essence lies in comprehending your audience, speaking their language, and providing genuine value. It's about constructing messages that deeply connect, ignite action, and foster meaningful relationships. It's utilizing your words to cultivate a thriving community, becoming a guiding light amidst the vast ocean of the internet.

So, whether you're a seasoned copywriter looking to expand your skills or a newbie just starting your journey, remember this: in the world of email list building, your words are your power. Use them wisely.


Building an email list from scratch may seem like a daunting task. But with the right tools, a bit of humor, and a lot of persistence, it can be a rewarding journey. So go ahead, dive into the world of email marketing. Who knows, you might just find your Moby Dick.

And remember, as the great Mark Twain once said:

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

So start building your email list today. Your future self will thank you.

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